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How to Deal With a Flooded Basement

The first thing to do when your basement floods is to make sure that everyone in your home is safe. You should also shut off the power to the area unless you know for sure that it’s not plugged in somewhere (either from a flooded toilet or from something else like an extension cord). It is important to avoid walking in water because it can lead to electrocution and there may be broken pipes or other electrical problems underneath that you won’t see. If the flooding is due to a sewer backup, you should wear protective clothing and consider calling a professional.

After the safety precautions have been taken, a homeowner should look around and determine where the water is coming from. If they can safely access it, a plumber should be called to repair any plumbing leaks that are leading to the basement flooding. In addition, it is a good idea to have the foundation and drainage system of the house checked. A foundation contractor will be able to see if there are any cracks or holes in the basement walls and can suggest ways of improving the drainage around the house to prevent future flooding during heavy rains, ground thaw or snow melt periods.

Cleaning up a small amount of water with a mop and bucket is usually possible, but it’s always wise to call in professionals to do a basement flood cleanup and to ensure that any structural damage has been fixed. They will be able to use special equipment to get the water out of your house more efficiently and they will be able to help prevent mold from developing in the future.

Basement flooding Flooded basement that is caused by a natural disaster or by groundwater will likely not be covered by homeowners insurance policies, but there are still things that can be done to reduce the chances of it happening again. For example, if your property is low lying and there are depressions or sinkholes near the foundation of your house, it is a good idea to fill them in with clay-type soil. This will raise the level of the surrounding land and prevent groundwater from pooling around the foundation, potentially causing it to flood during heavy rains or thaw periods.

In general, it is a good idea to give your home several days to dry out after the flood has occurred. Fans, dehumidifiers and opening windows to improve ventilation will speed up the drying process. A damp and swollen environment is an ideal place for mold to develop, so it is important that any remaining moisture is removed from the walls, floors and furniture as quickly as possible.

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